03-334. FIRST WORLD SERIES - Chicago Inter Ocean IL Oct. 4, 1903- FP one col headline: "PITTSBURGH BEATS THE BOSTONIANS/ Capture the Third Game in the Worlds Championship Series." Descriptive article with box score.   $105

03-449. 1ST ALL STAR GAME - The Chronicle News Trinidad, CO July 6, 1933- 2 column FP article headlined: "AMERICAN LEAGUE TEAM WINS OVER NATIONAL LOOP RIVALS/ Ruth and Frisch Hit Homers..."  with article going over to sports page headlined: "NATIONALS BEATEN BY AMERICANS."  Great vignette of the players photographs on p.6. Long article and wonderful illustration.  Classic!   $130

03-690. BABE RUTH 1ST HOMER OF 1925 - SF Chronicle CA June 12, 1925 Sports section only- Five column headline : "BABE RUTH HITS FIRST HOME RUN OF YEAR." Photo of young Babe is captioned: "HURRAH!"   $47

03-699. EARLY ILLUSTRATION OF  BLACK  BASEBALL PLAYER - National Police Gazette  New York, NY Aug. 23, 1884- p.13 has 1/3 pg. engraving of the "National Guard Baseball Players- Brooklyn." Team is in uniform and one player is clearly African-American.   $140

03-708. BLACK SOX SCANDAL - "EIGHT SOX PLAYERS INDICTED/ Charges Based on 1919 Series/ All Eight Under Cloud Are Suspended/ Eddie Cicotte Confesses." Topeka Journal KS Sept. 28, 1920- Single  column stacked headlines with breaking news of the scandal. CCATS w/ small edge tears.   $110

02-392. EARLY BASEBALL - Scientific American NY Jan 24, 1891- P. 4 headlined article: "ELECTRICAL SPORTING BULLETINS" illustrates a device used to transmit details of baseball games played in far away cities. The ELECTRICAL BASEBALL BULLETIN is a device to transmit sporting data to newspapers and thus have early access to the information.  Combines news reporting & sports.   $69